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The Slowpreneur Retreat


Let’s build you a business...without the busy.

It’s never easy to be an entrepreneur, but the last few years have been particularly hard. If you’re craving a new way of living & working, this is your invitation to take a time-out from your business and figure out what the next chapter looks like for you. To slow down, to turn inwards, to recalibrate and find a new pace & purpose after the rollercoaster of the past few years.

The Slowpreneur Retreat is a soft place for you to land if you’re still in the messy middle. We don’t have a crystal ball, but we do have personalized support, a peaceful place to work, and a whole lot of amazing food to nourish you body & soul as you enter this new chapter.

This retreat is small: just four thoughtful entrepreneurs ready for more depth and more sustainability. We’ve built in lots of time for connection, rest, and gentle structure to help you take those next steps, and we’ll do it together while surrounded by nature. Want to join us?

What's Included

  • Accommodation for 4 days & 3 nights at a private lakefront cottage

  • All meals & snacks by Nurture

  • Pre-retreat group call & post-retreat follow-up call

  • Personalized group strategy sessions

  • 1:1 systems implementation support

  • Group Productivity Parties

  • Retreat welcome gift


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